1 Habit book series review. Meet the author, Steven Samblis, and learn more about his history and creditability.  Here you can review the life experiences that provided all the knowledge to become an expert on so many different unrelated subjects.

 Steven Samblis mugshot     

(click the mugshot picture for a more in-depth look at Mr. Samblis)


If you're going to buy a book, especially one that purports to educate you, it’s a fair question to ask – is the author creditable.  Well, if the author lies in order to get you to buy the book, then can you really trust what the author is telling you?

Notice the graphic below.  This is a screenshot from Mr. Samblis’s website marketing the book.  Mr. Samblis lists the book as “Amazon #1 Best Seller”.  Now take a look at the next graphic taken from the Amazon website where the book is sold.  The book is actually ranked (as of this writing – 6/13/2020)…. 1,580,047.  WOW… the book can’t even break into better than a 1.5-million seller.  Also, a review of the top 100 books sold on Amazon… Mr. Samblis’s book is nowhere to be found.  Additionally, a review of the top 100 Women’s books… and its not there either.  So… is the author, Mr. Steven Samblis lying to you in order to sell you a book?  Looks like it.  If Mr. Samblis can support his claim that the book is an “Amazon Best Seller”, he should put the documentation on his website right next to his claim.

For further evidence you might check out the Friends of Steven Samblis daily blog.  There you will find numerous posts documenting the inconsistencies and outright lies of the life of Mr. Steven Samblis.  This site is loaded with documented evidence to support the questionable creditability of Mr. Steven Samblis.  You might start with this article.

1HabitBestSeller 2


1HabitBestSeller 3


Creditability (contuned)

Mr. Samblis has been involved in 57 legal actions (to date) and some of the latest have been for Contractual Fraud and Breach of Terms in a contract.  Details can be found HERE.  In one of the cases Mr. Samblis agreed to an out-of-court settlement... then defaulted on the agreement.  It is undetermined if that amount was ever paid, but since Mr. Samblis filed for bankruptcy twice before ( HERE and HERE ).  He may just file again in an effort to discharge the debt and leave the aggrieved with nothing. 


In the Forward of the 100 Habits from the Happiest Achievers on the Planet, under The Creation of the 1 Habit Movement, Mr. Samblis states, “I knew the way to be successful in my chosen field…”.  Well, if one looks at the career of Mr. Samblis, and by his own aggrandizement, he has had numerous “careers”, and as the Steven Samblis.com site demonstrates, many would consider his life a failure. 

The specific he cites in the Forward is his life as a stockbroker.  As a stockbroker he was cited by the financial oversight body (Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) for wrongdoing by misrepresenting his endorsement of a publically traded company.  Not only was he was fined $10,000. for the wrongdoing but the State of Florida ordered a "Cease and Desist/Injunction" and prohibited him from engaging in the offer or sale of any security for the period of 10-years.    All of this is documented in the FINRA Broker Report .  Review the section "Disclosure Event Details" starting on page-6 of the report.  Also, his success as a business owner (CEO) of Imagination TV (formally Punch Media (formally IC Places)) he led the company into the ground.  Mr. Samblis oversaw the company stock fall to .0001.  Basically investors lost all of their investment.